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Hypervigilance is a state of heightened alertness and sensitivity to potential threats in the environment, often resulting from past traumatic experiences.


What is Hypervigilance?

Hypervigilance is a state of heightened alertness and sensitivity to potential threats in the environment, often resulting from past traumatic experiences. It involves constantly scanning surroundings for signs of danger, leading to a persistent sense of unease or apprehension.

Do you have Hypervigilance?

If you find yourself constantly on edge, feeling easily startled or anxious in everyday situations, and frequently scanning your surroundings for signs of danger, you may be experiencing hypervigilance. Other signs include difficulty relaxing, disrupted sleep patterns, and an overwhelming sense of alertness even when there is no apparent threat.


How do I deal with Hypervigilance?

Dealing with hypervigilance can be challenging, but there are several strategies applicable to helping you. It's important to recognize and acknowledge when you're experiencing hypervigilance. An effective way to address hypervigilance is to seek support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in trauma or anxiety can provide additional guidance and tools for managing hypervigilance.

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