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Trauma encompasses deeply distressing events that surpass an individual's coping capacity, resulting in enduring emotional, psychological, and occasionally physical consequences. These events, such as natural disasters, accidents, abuse, violence, or loss, profoundly disrupt a person's feelings of safety, trust, and overall well-being.

The 3 Kinds of Trauma

Chronic, acute, and complex trauma are three distinct but interconnected forms of psychological distress resulting from traumatic experiences. Chronic trauma involves prolonged exposure to stressful or traumatic events, such as ongoing abuse or neglect, which can lead to a persistent sense of danger and hypervigilance. Acute trauma, on the other hand, refers to single or short-term events that are overwhelmingly distressing, such as accidents, natural disasters, or assaults, often resulting in immediate and intense emotional reactions. Complex trauma typically involves exposure to multiple traumatic events, often beginning in childhood and continuing over an extended period, leading to profound and long-lasting impacts on psychological functioning and interpersonal relationships.

Do you think you have trauma?

Determining whether you have experienced trauma is a complex process that requires careful consideration and assessment. Trauma can manifest in various ways, including emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms. If you find yourself experiencing persistent distress, difficulty coping with everyday life, or noticing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, avoidance behaviors, mood swings, anxiety, or physical complaints like headaches, you may have some form of trauma.

List of Different Symptoms of Trauma:

A sudden and vivid re-experiencing of a past traumatic event, as if it's happening again in the present moment.

A state of heightened alertness and sensitivity to potential threats in the environment, often resulting from past traumatic experiences.

An experience that causes significant emotional or psychological discomfort, often leading to feelings of fear, sadness, or anxiety.

A profound disruption or fragmentation of one's identity, beliefs, and understanding of oneself.

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