As you embark on your therapeutic journey, it's crucial to establish clear and detailed behavioral objectives, making a clear distinction between your emotional aspirations and tangible actions. Your therapist will work with you to define behavioral goals, which focus on the specific actions and behaviors you want to engage in, rather than emotional goals, which revolve around how you want to feel. Through targeted questioning and exploration, your therapist will help you identify the changes you wish to make and the activities you want to incorporate more or less in your life.
Consider the process of reframing your emotional aspirations into behavioral goals to better align with the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Instead of solely aiming to eliminate negative feelings, the focus shifts towards acquiring new skills and strategies to effectively manage difficult thoughts and emotions. This shift in perspective not only promotes acceptance and willingness but also empowers you to actively engage in behaviors that align with your values and goals.
Moreover, it's essential to recognize the distinction between outcome goals and behavioral goals, empowering yourself through actions that are within your control. While outcome goals may include desired results such as finding a partner or overcoming an illness, behavioral goals emphasize the specific actions and behaviors you can take to work towards these outcomes. Your therapist will guide you in setting realistic and achievable behavioral goals, encouraging you to focus on actionable steps rather than fixating on distant outcomes.
Delve deeper into the concept of overt and covert behavioral goals during your therapy sessions, acknowledging and addressing both types of behaviors comprehensively. Overt behaviors encompass visible actions and behaviors, while covert behaviors refer to internal processes such as thoughts and feelings. Through this collaborative process, you'll gain valuable insights and develop practical skills to navigate life's challenges with greater confidence and resilience.
Understanding Emotional Goals: Emotional goals often stem from a desire to alleviate distressing emotions or cultivate positive ones. Clients commonly express their aspirations to overcome feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger, while also seeking happiness, relaxation, or confidence. While these goals are natural and valid, solely focusing on them may perpetuate experiential avoidance—a pattern of trying to escape or suppress unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Introduction to Behavioral Goals: In contrast to emotional goals, behavioral goals center on specific actions and behaviors that individuals want to engage in or modify. These goals are concrete, measurable, and provide a clear direction for therapeutic progress. By shifting the focus towards behavioral goals, therapy encourages acceptance and willingness to engage with difficult thoughts, emotions, and experiences.
Concrete Actions for Change: Behavioral goals offer a practical framework for implementing change in therapy. Instead of focusing solely on how you want to feel, you identify actionable steps you can take to improve your life, such as changing habits, modifying responses to triggers, or enhancing interpersonal skills. This proactive approach fosters resilience and personal growth by empowering you to navigate challenges effectively.
Tracking Progress and Accountability: Behavioral goals provide a roadmap for monitoring progress and holding yourself accountable in therapy. Setting specific, achievable objectives allows you to track your successes, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate milestones along the way. This process promotes a sense of agency and self-efficacy, enhancing motivation and engagement in the therapeutic process.
Resource: ACT made Simple textbook, Second Edition
Pages: 98-102