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Seven Transforming Conversations: Exploring Raw Spots in Connection


Relationships are a profound source of connection and love but also expose our vulnerabilities. The very nature of intimacy means that we are emotionally naked with those we care for, and this openness often leads to moments of unintentional hurt. While some slights are minor and quickly forgotten, others cut deeper, touching what psychologist Dr. Sue Johnson calls "raw spots." These hypersensitive areas in our emotional landscape stem from unmet attachment needs and can significantly disrupt even the most loving relationships. Recognizing and addressing these raw spots is essential for cultivating secure, lasting bonds. Let’s explore what raw spots are, how they manifest, and what steps can be taken to heal them.


What Are Raw Spots?

Raw spots are emotional sensitivities that develop from moments when our attachment needs were neglected, dismissed, or unmet, leaving us feeling emotionally deprived or deserted. These hypersensitivities can originate from past relationships, particularly with significant figures like parents, siblings, or past partners, and they often act as a blueprint for our future attachments. For instance, someone who experienced frequent emotional neglect as a child might become highly sensitive to perceived indifference from their partner in adulthood.

Dr. Johnson identifies two core emotions underlying raw spots: the "2 Ds"—emotional deprivation and desertion. These feelings are universal attachment triggers that evoke deep pain when activated. The wound’s depth and impact depend on an individual’s history and the presence of past traumas or unhealed hurts.

How Raw Spots Manifest in Relationships

Raw spots are often invisible until triggered. When rubbed, they can elicit a sudden and intense emotional reaction, disrupting the balance of the relationship. This shift may seem disproportionate to the triggering event but is deeply rooted in past experiences. For example, if a partner seems distracted during a conversation, it might remind someone of a parent who ignored them during their childhood. This perceived neglect can lead to feelings of rejection, abandonment, or anger.

Examples of Raw Spots:

  1. Past Romantic Betrayal: Francois, whose first marriage was marred by infidelity, panics whenever his wife Nicole shows friendly interest in another man, interpreting her actions as potential threats to their bond.

  2. Childhood Neglect: Linda, whose mother withheld praise and criticized her appearance, feels deeply hurt when her husband fails to compliment her. His indifference echoes her childhood longing for validation.

  3. Trauma and Insecurity: Steve, criticized for not being "manly" enough as a child, becomes defensive and withdraws when his wife expresses dissatisfaction with their physical intimacy. Her comments unintentionally tap into his lifelong feelings of inadequacy.

Raw spots can also develop in a current relationship due to major life events, such as illness, job loss, or the arrival of a child, especially if one partner feels unsupported during these transitions. In these cases, the need for comfort and reassurance is heightened, and a partner’s perceived indifference can feel like an emotional betrayal.


Recognizing When a Raw Spot is Rubbed

The first step in addressing raw spots is recognizing their presence. Two primary signs indicate a raw spot has been triggered:

  1. Sudden Emotional Shift: The conversation’s tone changes abruptly. Playful banter or lighthearted exchanges might give way to anger, sadness, or withdrawal. For example, a partner who was cheerful a moment ago may suddenly become distant or upset, leaving the other confused and defensive.

  2. Disproportionate Reaction: The emotional response to an event appears excessive. This intensity often stems from the raw spot being touched rather than the immediate situation. For instance, a minor delay in responding to a text might provoke feelings of abandonment, leading to a heated argument.

These reactions are rooted in primal attachment needs. When a raw spot is rubbed, our brain’s emotional center—the amygdala—sends out an "uh-oh" alarm, interpreting the situation as a threat to our bond. Our body responds instinctively, often before our rational mind can catch up. This can manifest as anger, fear, or sadness, which may lead to defensive behaviours like lashing out or shutting down.


The Role of Demon Dialogues

When raw spots are repeatedly activated without acknowledgment or resolution, they often fuel cycles of conflict that Dr. Johnson calls "Demon Dialogues." These destructive patterns of interaction include:

  1. The Protest Polka: One partner protests perceived disconnection, while the other withdraws, creating a cycle of pursuit and retreat.

  2. Freeze and Flee: Both partners withdraw emotionally, creating a cold, distant dynamic where neither feel seen or supported.

  3. Blame and Defend: One partner becomes critical, and the other reacts defensively, leading to escalating arguments without resolution.

These dialogues mask the underlying emotions of sadness, shame, or fear, further entrenching the couple in their negative cycle.

Healing Raw Spots: Steps to Reconnection

Healing raw spots requires self-awareness, empathy, and mutual effort. Here are steps couples can take to address and soothe these tender areas:

1. Identify the Raw Spot

  • Reflect on past experiences and patterns in your relationship to pinpoint the source of hypersensitivity.

  • Pay attention to moments when emotions seem disproportionate to the situation.

  • Share your observations with your partner, using "I" statements to express feelings without blame.

2. Understand the Deeper Emotion

  • Look beyond anger or defensiveness to uncover the primary emotion driving the reaction, such as fear, sadness, or shame.

  • Ask yourself, "What need or fear is at the heart of my response?"

3. Communicate Vulnerably

  • Open up about your raw spots with your partner, explaining how certain actions or situations affect you.

  • Practice active listening when your partner shares their sensitivities, showing empathy and understanding.

4. Reframe Triggers

  • Recognize that your partner’s actions are not always intentional or reflective of their love for you.

  • Shift your perspective to see their behaviour as a response to their own raw spots or stressors.

5. Build New Patterns

  • Interrupt Demon Dialogues by acknowledging when a raw spot is triggered and consciously choosing a different response.

  • Focus on creating positive, secure interactions that reinforce connection and trust.

6. Seek Professional Help

  • For deeply entrenched wounds or raw spots tied to past trauma, working with a therapist can provide tools and strategies for healing.

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, is particularly effective in helping couples address raw spots and strengthen their emotional bond.

The Transformative Power of Love

While raw spots can feel like insurmountable obstacles, they also present an opportunity for growth and healing. Research shows that supportive, responsive relationships can help individuals develop a secure sense of connection, even if their past is marked by neglect or trauma. A loving partner who validates and soothes these sensitivities can create a safe space for vulnerability, fostering deeper intimacy and trust.

As Dr. Johnson observes, love has the power to transform us. By understanding and addressing raw spots, couples can break free from negative cycles and build a relationship rooted in empathy, security, and mutual support. Though the journey may be challenging, the reward is a bond that not only withstands the tests of time but grows stronger through them.



Raw spots are a natural part of being human, shaped by our histories and relationships. Recognizing and addressing these tender areas allows couples to move beyond pain and conflict, paving the way for authentic connection. By approaching each other with curiosity, compassion, and a willingness to heal, partners can turn moments of vulnerability into opportunities for deeper love and understanding. Whether through open communication, self-reflection, or professional guidance, the path to healing raw spots is ultimately a path toward a stronger, more resilient bond.


Resources: Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

Pages: 73 - 79

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